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Fly is a very beautiful song. Rachael sings it perfectly.
congrats on the top 10==cheers--joe
How sweet,thanks Jo...your always so encouraging! Appreciate it! :)
What a beautiful song,'It's not Goodbye', you write some lovely lyrics and melodys.
Thanks so much,what a lovely thing to say! Cheers Katie
Hi Guys, does anyone know how to send a private message through Broadjam..I cant work out how to do this! Cheers Katie
find who it is on broadjam that you want to send a private message too and hook up with them on connections and then you can send them a message in their maibox--i think so anyway--best!--joe.
Thanks Joe and everyone that inboxed me how to inbox...much appreciated! Cheers Kty
Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?
Hi Adam, sorry, just saw your message! Im not sure about this one,we have our lawyers going through the contract! It's a bit tricky cause my daughter and her friend wrote this song and they are minors ..Ill try an inbox you!! Congrats on being selected ! Cheers Katie
Hi Roy ,I wanted to email you but couldn't work out how to do that so thought Id leave a comment here! I just had a question about the review system and one of my songs! I submitted 5 songs to opportunity FTJ2E002...Sad,Emotional,somber songs! All of my songs scored badly on this opportunity especially my song IF I STAY..this song was written from a book,IF I Stay ( Gayle Forman) and the synopsis almosts parody's the submission synopsis...It's not so much the score that worries me more I havent a clue as to why this particular song was so bad! Id really like to improve it if I can! It was written for film and Im not sure why this song and all of my songs scored so badly......Ive spent hundreds of dollars submitting to Broadjam and hoping that you might be able to tell me where I am going wrong! Would you be kind enough to listen to my song If I Stay ? Thanks for a great site,great community and wonderful opportunities for all of us! Many thanks,Katie
If I Stay Katie, Thanks for your note and please find my thoughts about "If I Stay" below. Very nice piano intro with cello "like" part supporting it. Band swells at 24 seconds and vocal enters at 42 seconds. Beautiful, sweet voice with good phrasing. While the intro is written, arranged and played beautifully, it is 42 seconds long. If it was my song, I would probably cut this in half, maybe more. It's a beautiful piece of music, but really doesn't keep the ear engaged long enough to get to the vocal. The song is probably more suited for a Broadway play, like Funny Girl, or a Vegas Act, like Celine Dion. The intro certainly has a film like feeling to it, but the vocal takes it to another place. Lyrically, "I can see you" and "I can feel you", as opening lines, are not what one would expect in a song of this production caliber. The opening lines do not set up the story or make the listener imagine what is coming. Every songwriter (including me) probably has a song with these lines in them, therefore making the song somewhat irrelevant in the review process. Simple and commonly are very difficult to pull off and I think that is what you may be struggling with here. From a story point, I do not know what/who the singer is "staying" for. Is it a relationship, a family, daughter, son, mom, dad, etc.? We assume it's a relationship, but it's not clear enough in the lyric. This is why it would probably be a great stage song as it feels part of a bigger story, but not the story itself. A good rule in songwriting is to try to make every line a set-up for the hook. I understand it's a daunting task, but it could really help here. The words "I can see you" do not connect at all with the hook, "If I Stay." Maybe the opening line could be something like "I can continue" and therefore connect directly with the hook. With that said, the lyrics in the hook connect nicely with the melody of it. Male vocal enters at 2:20 and is a real nice touch. Love the supporting instruments as well. Very nice arrangement of the orchestral sounds. Clearly this was produced by a talented arranger and producer who has done this many times before. If this was my song, I wouldn't change a thing with the instrumentation, melody or vocal performance. All of this is as good as it gets and kudos to the team who worked on this. If this was one person that did all of these parts, including the recording and mix, they are a genius. Brilliant work. I would leave the hook exactly as-is, but re-think the lyric, especially the parts that have been used in so many other songs. Find a different way to say the same thing. The lyric is not on the same level as the rest of the song. In fact, I believe the brilliant vocal performance and production are carrying the lyric in this song. I hope this helps. I have been a fan of yours for some time now and continue to follow your progress. You are clearly one of the best writers on our site and truly have something special going on. Please keep me posted anytime you upload a new song. Best, Roy PS - Remember that the peer reviews have no influenc e on those who select the songs. Although it's nice to get high peer scores, they are not considered by the providers.
Hi Katie, I know your question wasn't directed at me so I hope you don't mind me commenting. I listened to "If I Stay" and I thought the music was fantastic, the arrangement was fantastic, the singing was fantastic! The production was fantastic! Which kind of sets the listener up for some amazing story and that doesn't happen. Sure! some folks are going to love this; just as it is! But to reach the wider world I agree with Roy. You have a potential classic on your hands! Good luck Katie I'm sure you will go far! PS I thought the singing should come in at around 19 seconds into the intro (for listings at least).
Hi Roy,thank you so much for your amazing review..this is worth more then even placing the song! So much of what you say makes sense,especially the intro and verses...I thought Id tell you the story to see if you think the song might works before I do a re-write...If I stay is being made into a film ( or was,but is now back in pre production)..the story is about.....Mia had everything: a loving family, a gorgeous, adoring boyfriend, and a bright future full of music and full of choices. Then, in an instant, almost all of that is taken from her. Caught between life and death, between a happy past and an unknowable future, Mia spends one critical day contemplating the one decision she has left--the most important decision she'll ever make.......the young girl is also a cellist which is why I used cello to is set with the girl talking to her boyfriend whilst in a coma but he cant hear her...hence the words I can See, I can feel you ..... I am so glad I wrote to you because whist the song makes perfect sense to me anyone who hasn't read the book may not get the verses, I didn't think of that....your advice is absolutely invaluable and I really appreciate it!...Im very glad I also have an Instrumental version of this song.....all of the instruments were played live and I was very lucky to have had some of the best musicians here in Australia record for me ..... You are absolutely correct, I wrote the lyrics and score but my producer arranged every instrument and is the creative genius behind my whole album!! My vocalists were amazing on this song and all got on to character!! I will absolutely take your comments on board an go back to rewriting the lyrics so you the audience can understand the story better or maybe just keep it as an instrumental piece or maybe just keep it for the If I Stay movie! ( one can only dream)... Thank you also for the lovely comments on my writing..I have recently uploaded my whole debut album, A Moment In Time... Take care,warm regards,Katie
Hi David, thanks for taking the time to listen to my song....great advice and back to the drawing board with my lyrics! Cheers Katie
Hi Roy, Your review is incredible..I have just sent a rather large comment back to you but not sure if it went through..could you let me know if your received it?? If not I will resend it! Your critique is brilliant !! Cheers Katie
Katie, Got your message and glad I could give some input. Thanks to David for his thoughts as well. It is an awesome piece and with a more defined lyric, I think you have a song that will shine wherever it ends up. Best, Roy
Hello Katie. I agree with what Roy is saying about the lyrics. The instrumentation is great. The opening intro is beautiful. I can personally hear it in a commercial, especially since it is so emotional. I could see it in a post-apocalyptic trailer for a movie or video game. Don't get bent out of shape with the submissions here. It is hard to know exactly what the publishers and music supervisors are looking for from their descriptions. I personally seen an ad looking for light playful electronic music, but a beat-heavy hard hip hop-esque track got considered. Keep plugging away and use all your avenues to get to where you want to be. Broadjam is one of many ways to get your music out there.
Thanks Brandon for taking the time listen to my song! Really good to get some constructive criticism and such lovely feedback too! Glad you like the instrumentation! I've been away from Broadjam for a while so it's really nice to be back! Cheers Katie
Np Katie. Good luck with your ventures!
Hey Roy! Quick question: If I have a song that is sung by a female and I want to submit it for placement for a male singer, would the review process be flexible in regards to gender neutral songs regardless of the singer on my take?
roy when you have a free 3 min 20 secs please have a listen to we always knew
Abandon, If it is a TV submission, then I wouldn't do it. TV is on a tight schedule and they don't re-cut anything. If it is a record submission, then it's ok. With that said, I always recommend that when you are pitching to a particular artist, then create a demo that sounds similar to that artist......Most good producers will know within minutes if the song is right for their artist, but having a similar sound can't hurt.....Hope this helps, Roy
okaay.....did you like the song? was all i was asking sir
Gary, My apologies for not getting to your song right away. I get many requests through email, Facebook, Linkedin, on this comment page and other sources. I review all songs in the order I receive the request. Here is my review of We Always Knew This song is about a lifelong relationship between the singer and a friend. I like the concept of the song and believe it's sellable. The hook, "We Always Knew", is a good one and really lends itself to some good supporting lyrics. While it is clear the writer is describing the life of two different people, I am not sure that the lyrical content is as strong as the concept. Along with the concept, another strong point is that it could be sung by a man or a woman. And it may work better with a female singing the demo as well. Here are some more specific thoughts: The song is very literal, which is sellable in today's country market. But the forced lyrics are what is holding this song back. "Then we played house, all of that summer, and doctors too, and it wasn't wrong." If this was my tune, I would lose "all of that summer" and "it wasn't wrong." They both sound as if they are filler/forced lyrics and the line would be more effective at this tempo if it was "Then we played house and doctors too....(new line here)" Or maybe leave all of the lines "We played house and doctors too, all of that summer and it wasn't wrong." I still don't think the second one works, but it flows a little better if you decide to keep the same words. Conceptually, the song is on the right path, but I am not sure my suggestions are enough. You might want to find a co-writer who has written a lot of country songs to help out. In country music, every word counts. Every single word in the song is related to the hook. "It wasn't wrong" is suggesting that the relationship is being justified and that's not what the song is about. So it's probably a filler line. Maybe instead of "it wasn't wrong", you use something like "creating our bond" which reinforces the "We Always Knew" hook. Note: I have only focused on the first verse and could provide more input for the second as well. However, I'm not sure that is necessary as my point is really the same for general lyrical content. From a production perspective. I would experiment with increasing the tempo of this song or replace the singer. Although the singer has passion and great tone in his voice, the phrasing really hurts this song. The notes are shortened at the end of each phrase and there are very few "ballad" like moments where the singer shines. In the past, many country songs were of this style, but not in the last 30 years. So I would either find a singer who can belt out a ballad and sell the song or increase the tempo so it better fits the vocal style of the current singer. I would recommend the writer listening to Josh Turner, Scottie McCreary, etc. as this is the type of song that may fit them and give the writer a better feel for todays' country market. Overall: You have a great concept here, but it needs a re-write on the lyrics, especially in the verses. My recommendation is to re-write the lyric without any music. Write it as a poem. Examine every word and ask the question, "Does it support the hook?" If it holds up as poetry, you probably have a great song. I hope this helps. Thanks for being a member. Roy
thanks Roy hey you might enjoy my song "THE AMERICAN WAY" and the youtube vid GARY SPARKS-THE AMERICAN WAY..please tell me if it is marketable. YOU ROCK !
Review of American Way: This song is a song about being an American soldier and his wife who are going through tough times being comforted by Johnny Cash. Lead guitar playing at 2:50 is excellent. Very tasteful and definitely the strongest part of the song. Structurally, the song is slightly over 3:30 and is an AB - AB - format. From a marketability perspective, the production needs a lot of work and is not ready for prime time. Before I comment on that, the main barrier this song will face is that every country artist for the past 20 years has cut so many patriotic type songs. And because of the volume of these types of songs it has to knock your socks off lyrically or it will be very difficult to get it cut. My guess is that if a producer was considering this song, they would definitely re-write. Although you can hear the passion in the vocalist, his delivery is short, cut off and simply doesn't deliver the potential power of a song like this. It's a rich bass voice, but the delivery sounds as if he was talking through most of the song. If the melodic delivery had the quality of conviction with which he sings, this would be a whole different ball game. The listener does not walk away from this humming any melody and therefore will not remember the words. I think the theme will be remembered, but the lyrics won't. I apologize for being so harsh, but a different vocalist with the same passion could take this to a new level. Or find a coach for this singer to help with the phrasing. The mix sounds like there was a tremolo effect (volume modulation) or a low frequency oscillator applied to the entire band. Meaning the volume was slightly ebbing and flowing throughout the song for the entire band. It is real noticeable during the guitar solo and after. This should be re-mixed. Overall, I think the writer and singer are passionate and are on the right track. The idea is there, but the song needs more dedicated writing time. The production, especially the mix, should be re-done. One last note: You have developed a couple of good concepts for songs. However, the vocal performance needs work. In both songs, it's short and cut-off and almost as if the singer is talking. If these were my songs, I would experiment with other singers or get a coach in the studio to work on phrasing. If you do, I think you will see your songs in a different light. Hope this helps. Roy
Hi Roy,Im a little confused about how the 6 pack competition works...Ive just realised that you can submit seperately to the cans rather then submitting to all the cans. If I submit so late into the contest how is possible get the ranking up or down if the others have already had months of reviews????? Cheers Katie
Katie, Thanks for your question. You are correct as you can submit to one or all of the cans. Please see the post right above this one to Red Rock Hill. They asked a similar question. Glad you are in and best of luck....Roy
Hi Roy,thanks so much for replying so quickly!! That's great news,I might have to enter some more songs! Cheers Katie
Hi Roy, Great stuff going on on broadjam...I have been a member for a couple of years now and thouroughly enjoy being part of this community. Wanted to let you know how good it is to recieve all the music licensing opportunities linked with Facebook...I often find opportunities to submit this way!! After 2 years I am just about to debut my first demo album but was wondering if you could have a quick listen to my song ,Im Just a hasn't been mixed yet so any critisim would be great. I wouldn't normally ask but this song is particularly special and I hope to market it soon!! Cheers from Australia,Katie
Katie, Thanks for your note and expect more to come from us on Facebook...Congrats on your record. I am currently out of the office with a very slow and sporadic connection. I will put "Just A Child" on my list and will listen when I get back to the office......Best, Roy
Hi BJ, thanks for taking the time to review christmas time but you didnt score it and there for in the review system it scores zero?? Would you mind taking it down or submitting a score?? Your comments were great, this song was written by two 12 year old girls for a national songwriting contest in Australia which they just placed were exactly right....they were a little nervous not to miss a note in the vocal and they didn't! Cheers Katie
Hi Katie - Not a problem at all. My mistake on forgetting the scores. I generally lead with that and then do the comments, but after I finished the comments first, I completely forgot that I hadn't scored it yet, so my apologies. However, the score is actually not a zero, it's "N/A," which means the review will have no impact on the song itself, aside from the feedback I gave of course. Hope you keep posting more music!
Thanks BJ....the girls will be enjoy reading your daughter is only 12 and this was her first attempt at songwriting! She did really well to place in such a huge contest..all comments are greatly appreciated! Many thanks,Katie
Please tell your daughter if she keeps writing songs like this she has a very bright future ahead of her. You can also tell her that I added the song to my Christmas playlist and I'm looking forward to hearing it again once I get into full Christmas mode, which will be fairly soon. Thanks again, Katie.
Wow, I second the kudos here. For a first attempt at songwriting, the future looks very bright for that one!
Wow, how nice are you guys,Lucy and Lucy will love this!! Thank you so much for listening to it! Cant wait to hear your music as well! Cheers Kty
Thank you for your kind review but there is no score which means it scored zero...not sure how that works in the review system? Cheers Katie
Hi Katie I know, I'm an imbecile! I tend to write comments as I listen. But I've done this clicking before scoring thing twice now. Don't worry, I immediately requested BJ to remove the review because you won't want those zeros hanging around! It'll disappear soon. Sorry about that. I enjoyed your music tho :-)
Hi Jeremy,thanks for that!! Thank you also for taking the time with your comments! Cheers Kty
Thank you for your beautiful review of "Try To Understand", Im chuffed, thanks so much! Cheers Katie
Hi Katie, Thanks for taking the time to review my song , "I've Missed You". Check out the vocal version with Phoebe Blume. All the best, Felice Kaye-Cooper
Hi Felice,it's a beautiful song,love the vocal version! Cheers Katie
Thanks so much Katie for checking out the song. All the best, Felice
Thanks for your kind review,cheers Katie x
Hi Pasha, thanks for your kind review and constructive critism! Cheers Katie
Hi , You are welcome Katie .
Thank you for the kind review of my song "Ten Years Ago Today" Katie!! Cheers! Cam
Your welcome! Great song!
Thanks Chris for your beautiful review of my Instrumental mix, Im Only Sleeping..your comments are greatly appreciated and 5/5 score made my day! Cheers Katie
Katie. Thank you for your review of 'Some Kind of Girl'. I cannot take credit for the vocals, they were sung by a friend of mine. 'Steve- take a bow!' Seriously though I really appreciate your comments. Regards, David
Hi David, no problem,the song was fantastic!! Like, like,like!!! Cheers Katie
My Dear Katie, Thank you for your kind review of Troubled Tears (formerly entitled Where Are You Going). It was meant to be a whispered prayer. My songs range from whispering to wailing. Your songs are beautiful, and the perfect antithesis to mine, so I am sending you a Friend request. As I tell Pete Ford, God gave you your voice to be heard! Fiona has a beautiful angelic voice, but she is not You. My most played song is sung by Jim Pearson, originally intended for me to voice over, but his earnestness in NO MORE is tear-inspiring. I look forward with rapt anticipation for more of your work soon! Cheers. St. Nick
Hi Nick, that makes sense now, that its a whispered really is a beautiful song! I have my first Demo album coming out soon,some sad songs,love songs,going away songs and happy songs! Mixed bag really..I cant wait to get them finished,hope you'll stop by an have a listen! Take good care and I look forward to hearing your songs as well! Cheers,Katie
Hi Penny, Thank you so much for your wonderful review,wow, a perfect score! Really glad you liked it!! Take care and I look forward to hearing your music too! Cheers Katie
Very excited to be a top 5 winner in the Instrumental category of the Great American song Contest.....Finalist in Contempory Acoustic as well for my song Im Only Sleeping..Yah!!
Congratulations Katie!!!!! That's wonderful! Virginia (for Illi) .. :D
Thanks so much,Illi's work is brilliant!! Cheers Katie
Have you heard his new song "Forward"? It's on his MySpace page. I love it .. :D
Thanks for the heads up Ill definately have a listen!!
You're welcome .. :D
Beautiful song Illi, I love it!! Well done! Kty
I just won the Great American Song Contest and I don't know how to post it on here! my song Fire up the Weed took first place in the special music category! Yay!
Awesome, congrats!
Brilliant news,congratulations!
Thank you!
Well done Tracy! Steve
You really deserve it Tracy, congrats.
THX Katie for review/comments on 'cowboy on rodeo drive'..very glad and flattered you like it...recorded years ago and it shows! i'm gonna check your songs out next. best wishes!
Anytime Chaz, I really liked the song!! Cheers Katie
Im only sleeping is absolutely beautiful. Your voice is beautiful and the composition is wonderful!
What a lovely compliment Jeff ... So glad you liked the song.It was sung by my cousin Fiona so I can't take the credit for vocals...Im chuffed you like this song, it was written under such sad circumstances!! !!Well done on all your music as well, I look forward to listening to it!! Thanks again, Katie
If you're looking for a way to bring more fans to your Broadjam profile, I highly encourage you to take advantage of the "Transmit" feature, which enables you to send your songs to any recipient via a web link. There is no need to copy and paste a link as it's all done from your Broadjam account. Just login to your account, place your cursor over "Songs" and click on "Transmit My Songs." Try sending one to yourself and see how it works. Note that this feature is available to Mobs, Pro Mobs and Primos.... Best of luck, Roy
I know the feeling! I added 7 new songs, and the last 5 days, not one play. Only Nashville Joe Talks to me. You are a pro! your music is polished, along with your voice! And you do have many fans, You just don't know it!
Thanks Roy!! The Transmit features works beautifully.How easy is it to use!! Ive always wondered what that feature was for! Another reason why Broadjam is so good!! Im sure all members will get some great use out of this feature. Thanks again for the heads up! Cheers Katie
What a great review, thanks so much for taking the time to review my song,Im only sleeping! Glad you liked it!! All the best with your songs as well, cheers Katie
Today we launched major upgrades to Our mission was to make easier to navigate, but more importantly, find good music. All navigation tools are now in our North-South menu on the left hand side of the page. When new or returning visitors come to the home page, they will see our members featured in the Top 10 charts. It is now much easier to find new music and for fans to engage and communicate with our members. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon......Let me know what you think. Your feedback is greatly appreciated......Roy
Much More User friendly, not cluttered with adds here and there, everyone should be happy! QUESTION:ONE OF YOU LICENSING POST IS FOR ONLY 5 DAYS-DID THE CLOSING DATE GET THE WRONG MONTH?
Tommy.....I'll ask our CS to get back to you on this tomorrow.....Thanks for your feedback....Best, Roy
IN CHECKING MY SUBMISSIONS=my song has already been reviewed by the provider, talk about moving fast, I have a vocal coming in to record .guess i'm a week late!
yeah the website really looks good i do wish the music submission button was still at the top of the page though lol
Go broadjam!! Well done on the upgrade. Looks great and is easy to use.This is my favourite music site!!Cheers Katie
Looking good Broadjam! Like the layout. Bumped into a list "Top 10:Peavey" during my look around. Is that artifact, Easter egg, or foreshadowing? Adios, pjn
Hello Tommy-The opportunity you are referring to is what we like to call an immediate need opportunity, meaning the providers needs music as soon as possible.
Hit Zone - Good catch. That's an artifact. Thanks for letting us know.
Hello CS - it seems profiles no longer show artist info and news or am I missing something? Also do you know when the FAQ help will be available again? Thank you - Michael Nickolas
Hello Studio Nine --- The artist info appears at the top of your Public Profile page and this text can be edited when you place your cursor over "Account Settings" and select "My Artist Info." As for News - we are currently making some upgrades to this feature, so it will be unavailable for the time being. In the meantime, however, you can post any news you have using the comments feature (just leave a comment on your own page and all of your connections will be able to see it.)
The artist news section seems to be gone from the first page. Was good to have it there as "headline or breaking news" info .
I'm starting to enjoy the new format. But please, Roy, find a better way to screen reviewers. And force people to read a reviewing tutorial and agree to it before reviewing songs. Stuff like: "When to use N/A" and "Five is better then One". Yeeesh...we all work hard and want an honest shake for people to hear our music.
Spitting Lama MIDI - We wanted to address a few things for you. Keep in mind, the peer-ratings your songs receives for licensing opportunities do not determine whether or not your song will be picked. The opportunity provider makes this decision on his/her own. And as for the general reviews (where members score each category between 1 and 5), we ask all reviewers to include some constructive feedback on how the song can be improved, unless they think the song is fine the way it is. If you receive a review that does not meet this requirement, please let us know.
For 5 years I've been asking to be able to 'return to the previous page' in the song review section.....Jesse has told me that he agrees that this is important and will be changed....yes, but havn't seen it yet...its really a drag to want to go to the previous page and get sent to someplace completely irrelevant! Please fix this! Thank You!
Agreed; a little flexibility in viewing would be sweet. We found peer reviews to be very helpful and used them to select and tweak the cuts for Reed's "Raw, Rare, Well Done" CD. After a few years we've accumulated several hundred reviews and it is difficult to navigate the group. We ended up cutting and pasting into Excel to create usable summaries. The "play" button is handy, but it would be nice to see the song title displayed with the review detail and to be able to step through reviews by either date or title.
Whew......glad someone else besides me notices this! We have 1300 reviews! A shame that its fairly useless because b'jam apparently refuses to fix this....Jesse acknowledges that this is a good idea! So what's the problem?
Hello Broadjam?
Katie Many thanks for reviewing Shades. Your music is beautiful. All the best from Surrey in the UK. Matt
Anytime! Your song was beautiful too! Cheers Katie
Hi Johnny,just got your song, The Best of you in an anonymous review!Just wanted to say beautiful song and so well written. I loved it! Cheers Katie
Thanks for the review and kind words! All The Best!
Hi Roy, Been using broadjam for a good while now.I noticed that on your site that only some song out of all songs submitted get played by the provider. Is this correct? looking through my submissions out of all the ones I've submitted only a couple times was my music actually played by the provider. Some of the songs were not played at all by anyone on the providers end. IS this because of peer rating? What makes peer rating beneficial? The provider gets the highest rated songs first? Is this just not encouraging artists who are competing for the same submissions to give a bad reviews of other people's music just because it's better than theirs? Please clarify. I have been using broadjam consistently and have not landed any licensing deals through it and my music is commercial major label quality. What's going on?
NSS, Thanks for your thoughts. Prior to 9/16, we did not display individual song listens by a provider. All but 6 of your submissions were prior to that date. Of the remaining 6, providers have listened to 3 of them and 4 of the 6 opportunities are still in review. As provided in the mechanism, you can see providers listen to hundreds of songs a day so we are very confident every submission is getting heard. Sometimes they listen to the entire song and sometimes they listen long enough to determine whether the quality of production meets their requirements. I listened and can say that your stuff is definitely well produced and production probably isn't an issue. Very good work. Regarding the peer review: We have had some good suggestions recently and are considering some modifications. We are confident that the providers listen to everything submitted as songs all across the peer review ranking have been selected and passed on. If the provider requests it, we turn it on. Some providers chose not to use it, but most do. I hope this helps and best of luck, Roy
Roy, On this note what does that mean with FT10BF10 ?? This was after the date specified but they didn't listen to either of my submitted tracks. How was it that a song was chosen without any of the broadjam tracks being heard?? Does this happen a lot??
Hey Guys, a couple of my songs have ranked really low and I am happy to say most of them have been listened to by the provider!!
This particular opportunity the decision was made without ANY tracks being listened to.
I'm beginning to feel a little worried about licensing submissions. If we are paying to submit songs, we should at the very least expect that there is some sort of professional judgement being made. Looking closely at the peer ratings, it seems clear to me that there is some negative voting going on i.e. voting a good song lowest so that it doesn't shine. I don't mind the idea of there being some sort of vetting system before songs are submitted to the provider but this should not be by peers - for obvious reasons.
I'm not too concerned about the peer rating system. We seem to be closer to the top than the bottom 90% of the time. But when they don't listen at all .. That's a problem.
I agree with Joe "above" I do think that there should be a filtering screening process to weed out the material that is not of good production quality or songwriting quality. I don't think it should be my other musicians on here though who are competing for the same opportunity. How about an A&R guy who knows his stuff, what sells, what doesn't? Whats'commercially viable etc...This may help eliminate "false" ratings. Music is a competative business now more than ever with the saturation of bands on the internet that there needs to be a "reality" check as to who has it and who deosn't. Maybe we should bring in Simon Cowell,lol...
Erica, On December 2nd the provider stated in the notes at the top of the listing page, the opportunity (FT10BF10) you are referring to has been extended until January 15th. Not sure why they extended, maybe more time is needed and this happens occasionally. There was one field that was not updated with the new date and should have been. It has been updated now, thanks for bringing this to our attention.....All submissions are presented to the providers for listening so you should see that confirmation shortly. Regarding other comments, here are some thoughts: Providers login and can search songs by the following fields: Artist Name, Country, Song Name, Genre, Subject Matter, Lyrics, Tempo, Similar Artist, Era, Song Length, Mood, Vocal Mix, Language, Writers, Peer Ranking and their own ranking. So the question, what order is the list returned? They have 6 choices: Submission Date, Their Own Ranking (if they chose to use it), Songs they have Selected, Songs they have Hidden, Songs they are Considering and Peer Ranking. If a provider logs in frequently, then most of the above are not relevant as they are listening as the songs enter the queue and before any reviews occur. We are confident that the songs selected are picked because they meet the needs of the provider, and only that reason. Some do opt-out of the peer process and other sorting functions, but most don't as they find these features beneficial. None will ever say it's the deciding factor when they're searching for music. Remember, our primary goal is to present every song that has been submitted and remove filtering from the process. The real bottom line is that the person making the decision should hear the music and we believe that no one person or system should determine what they hear. More updates to the system coming soon. Thanks for your feedback, Roy
New Stellar, Just a quick note to let you know that both of opportunities that you referenced have not closed and your music will be heard soon....Thanks for the good conversation and being a member....Happy Holidays! Roy
Thanks Roy! To you as well:)
Awesome review !! Thanks so much.....your title suggestion is hilarious, I love it!! Thanks again, Katie